
Showing posts from January, 2024

List of Common Operating Systems

  Given below is a list of commonly used Operating systems along with their year of release.  List of Operating Systems Name of the OS Release Date Android 2008 iOS 2007 Windows 1985 Mac OS 2001 MS-DOS 1981 Chrome OS 2011 Windows Phone 2010 Blackberry OS 1999 Firefox OS 2013 UNIX 1969

Types Of Operating System

(1) Batch Operating System (2) Multi-Programming System (3) Multi-Processing System (4) Multi-Tasking Operating System (5) Time-Sharing Operating System (6) Distributed Operating System (7) Network Operating System (8) Real-Time Operating System (1) Batch Operating System : This type of operating system does not interact with the computer directly. There is an operator which takes similar jobs having the same requirement and groups them into batches. It is the responsibility of the operator to sort jobs with similar needs.  Advantages of Batch Operating System It is very difficult to guess or know the time required for any job to complete. Processors of the batch systems know how long the job would be when it is in the queue. Multiple users can share the batch systems. The idle time for the batch system is very less. It is easy to manage large work repeatedly in batch systems. Disadvantages of Batch Operating System The computer operators should be well known with batch systems. Ba...

History Of Operating System

  Operating system has been evolving through the years. Following Table shows the history of OS. Generation Year Electronic device used Types of OS Device First 1945-55 Vacuum Tubes Plug Boards Second 1955-65 Transistors Batch Systems Third 1965-80 Integrated Circuits(IC) Multiprogramming Fourth Since 1980 Large Scale Integration PC

What is an Operating System?

        An operating system (OS) is the program that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a boot program, manages all of the other application programs in a computer. The application programs make use of the operating system by making requests for services through a defined application program interface ( API ). In addition, users can interact directly with the operating system through a user interface, such as a command-line interface (CLI) or a graphical UI (GUI). Function Of Operating System Operating system performs three functions: Convenience:  An OS makes a computer more convenient to use. Efficiency:  An OS allows the computer system resources to be used in an efficient manner. Ability to Evolve:  An OS should be constructed in such a way as to permit the effective development, testing and introduction of new system functions at the same time without interfering with service. Features Of Operating System Provides a platform for ru...

Operating System

Introduction An operating system acts as an intermediary between the user of a computer and computer hardware. The purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user can execute programs in a convenient and efficient manner. Defination: An operating system is a program that controls the execution of application programs and acts as an interface between the user of a computer and the computer hardware. A more common definition is that the operating system is the one program running at all times on the computer (usually called the kernel), with all else being application programs. An operating system is concerned with the allocation of resources and services, such as memory, processors, devices, and information. The operating system correspondingly includes programs to manage these resources, such as a traffic controller, a scheduler, memory management module, I/O programs, and a file system.